A new US study published by the Journal Express found that optimists are more likely to live longer than those with a more negative outlook on life. The study indicated that people with HIV are more likely to live to age 85 or older.
The experts came to this conclusion using two existing groups of people who were recruited for different studies that included 70,000 women in the Nurses Health Study and 1,500 men in the Veterans Health Study.
Their level of optimism was assessed, in addition to their general health, and questions about exercise and diet, as well as the amount of tobacco and alcohol they consume.
The study found that on average, the most optimistic men and women enjoyed an 11% to 15% longer lifespan and were more likely to live to age 85 compared to the less optimistic group. .
Mayo Clini revealed the public health effects of positive thinking and optimism:
Extend the service life.
Low rates of depression.
Better resistance to colds.
Improve mental and physical health.
Improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
• Better coping skills during trials and times of stress.
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