The path to the stars … the inevitable destiny of humanity


A warrior sits on the thresholds of the new year, and away from politics and its intrigues, we stop together at the question mark that still baffles humanity, and whether we are alone in this universe, or in it. does there have others beside us, and we may not know them, and they may realize that they really are.
Famous British writer Sir Arthur Clack, the man who cared about Earth’s outer space and what’s going on there for a long time, tells us there are only two possibilities, either we are alone in this universe or we are not, and both are equally terrifying. The question is why?
It can be concluded that the idea of ​​being alone is a heavy and frightening responsibility, which means that the human race is the one who must bear the burden of what is happening not only on planet Earth, but also in the universes that surrounding us.
On the other hand, the presence of other rational organisms around us, something that can lead us to dangers that we do not know, whether we decide to approach them, or they make a specific decision at some point. to get closer to the planet.
The truth is that the issue of the presence of others around us has returned to the circle of investigation recently, especially after one of the Israeli officials on space programs, even though he was previously in charge, announced, he said. A few weeks ago, that there were other extraterrestrials living between us, and that there had been contact between them and the American president. Donald Trump, although she convinced him that it is not necessary to reveal the secret of their existence now on earth, and so that there is no panic or panic among the people, and the world has insulted with his words that they are peaceful, non-aggressive beings seeking knowledge of the way of life on Earth, and if his speech remains shrouded in many Secrets.
Perhaps the adept of the new race between the great countries is witnessing a state of eagerness to reach the stars and distant planets one before another, and no doubt, the decades to come us. will bring a large number of remarkable and surprising discoveries and signs in space.
As scientists expand the current limits of knowledge, we will see auto-moving robots exploring the surface of Mars, and we will see more than one shuttle belonging to more than one country flying very far, and humanity will new models of astronomical telescopes, capable of discovering similar planets outside our solar system that if I found out that this would definitely inspire scientists to design the first starship, explore nearby stars, search for life smart.
Because the laws of physics and rocket science engineering are well known, it is possible to make reasonable predictions about the future direction of space exploration in the 21st century, and even the 21st century.
The above means that the colonization of space is not pure speculation or imaginary desire, but rather a matter of the long term survival of our species, as Earth is at the heart of a cosmic shooting range. , and over a span of time that stretches from thousands to millions of years, it is inevitable that a space object, comet, or natural disaster will destroy Apart from most life on Earth, and that means that our species must one day find a new home in outer space, the question has become a scientific question for survival.
However, the way to explore the universe around us is not paved as there is always a need for radically different rocket models to fulfill a new function, which is to make long-distance trips between planets in the depths. space, including serving as a robot base on the moon and exploring the belt. Starlets and meteors, but rather a manned base for humans on Mars, and at that time travel to the planets will become the norm, and what is needed is the provision of cheap transportation. and reliable.
At the end of the 20th century, interest will gradually shift from our own solar system to nearby stars, and scientists are very happy to discover in 1997, 13 exoplanets, orbiting nearby stars with well-known groups, such as the Virgin, the Big Dipper and the Great Pharaoh, but unfortunately these are all planets. Huge similar to Jupiter, and possibly uninhabited.
It is perhaps almost certain that over the next three decades, our devices could become sensitive enough to discover small Earth-like planets orbiting nearby star systems, encouraging scientists to reach for the stars, explains the astronomer Alan Boss, of the Carnegie Institution in Washington. The discovery we long for is to find a planet after the sun that can support life.
Just as the possibility of discovering life on Mars will be the engine of most space exploration in the first period of the 21st century, the possibility of finding Earth-like planets outside our solar system could push towards the discovery of the Earth. interstellar space at the end of the 21st century.
Can we find Earth-like planets in space?
Perhaps the next generation of astronomical devices will be able, within a decade or two at most, to find a number of small, Earth-sized planets capable of embracing life as we know it. and this question could open a new era of treatment of astronomy. Life in the universe, and it shows that the conditions of life are not restricted in the way we have envisioned so far.
Perhaps what was considered sci-fi a few decades ago will soon become a reality, because when long-distance travel to the planets becomes common after 2020, some in the scientific community will begin to consider establish colonies in space.
However, in any case, it can be clear that the fate of humanity ultimately lies in the stars, and this is not an imaginary thought of desperate futurists, but rather it is required by the laws of physics. quantum, because physics tells us that the earth must die in the end, and since it is doomed to destroy In the future, the space program could ultimately be our only salvation as a species, and at some point in distant future, either we stay on the planet, or we die with it, or we leave it and we migrate to the stars.
Famous American astronomer Carl Sagan wrote: “Human life is more precious than being tied to a single planet, and just as animal species increase their chances of survival by spreading and migrating to different regions, humanity must eventually explore other worlds. For himself at least … Our destiny is to look to the stars.

Special “Al Arabiya Net”

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