After her features change, Houria Farghali cries: I lost confidence in myself as a woman


In a weeping and touching voice, artist Houria Farghali announced that she had lost confidence in herself as a woman and as an actress, and that she had not looked in the mirror since. two years, and that no one had spoken to him or appreciated his work, after having undergone several plastic surgeries.

This came in an intervention by the artist on the “Evening DMC” program on Monday evening with presenter Iman Al-Hosari, where Houria Farghali said she had not heard the New Year’s congratulations from anyone except her brother only, although she got a lot of calls and congratulations when she was on top.

She said people moved away from her after she changed her facial features, following the many surgeries and cosmetic operations she performed in the nose area after falling from a horse’s back he years ago.

Artist Houria Farghali, who was Miss Egypt in 2002, has grown into an insecure woman, scared of cameras after being a beauty icon and the arts community and her friends drifting away from her, that’s what the artist said in a sad voice that sparked a great wave of sympathy for her on social media sites.

Houria added in her intervention: “I did 38 jobs in 7 years, and I worked while I was sick, and in the series” The Witch of the South “I was working and my temperature was 40. She asked. : “Have people reached this point and no longer support each other in distress?

The artist revealed that she had been bullied and received negative comments after the last operation and the presentation of her series “Kingdom of the Gypsies”, which greatly affected her and her psychological state.

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