Al-Marsad Journal: Fruits are rich in valuable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, as well as fructose, but eating them at night can lead to digestive problems.
Heartburn at night
If your stomach is sensitive or you have a problem with heartburn, think carefully before consuming citrus fruits like pineapples or apples in the evening.
Heartburn is a condition in which stomach acid travels out of the stomach and back into the esophagus. It can be increased by eating acidic foods such as fruits. Sleep promotes heartburn. If you eat fruit at night, take a walk first, and don’t lie down immediately. According to “Sputnik”, according to the site “Fit for Fan”.
Sleep anxiety
The fructose present in the fruit supplies the body with rapid energy, and our body does not need this type of energy at night, and eating it can lead to feeling hungry at night and sleep anxiety.
weight gain
بالإضافة إلى ذلك, فالفركتوز هو نوع من أنواع الكربوهيدرات, ويتم تحويله إلى دهون بعد استهلاك الطاقة اللازمة, وفي حال تناولنا الكثير من الفاكهة السكرية مثل الموز أو العنب أو المانجو في المساء, فقد لا يكون الجسم قادرا على تحويل الفركتوز إلى الطاقة فيخزنها كدهون ما يسبب weight gain.
Often the fruit cannot be digested properly in the evening and remains in the large intestine. And it ferments there, which can lead to gas and sleep disturbances.
Experts recommend eating fruits that are low in sugar in the evening, as they are easier to digest, such as blueberries, berries, papaya or guava, and fruits such as bananas, mangoes, and pineapples. are best eaten with breakfast in the morning.
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