After more than 100 million new users joined the instant messaging app “Telegram” recently, and with the growing number of users, the app explained on its official website how to forward messages that some keep in old apps, including “WhatsApp”.
“Telegram” ensured that anyone can transfer individual and group chat recordings, including videos and documents, from the “WhatsApp” application to them by following the following steps:
Transfer a chat from “WhatsApp” to iOS phones
1- Open the chat you want to forward, then click on the contact info or group info in WhatsApp.
2- Tap Export Chat.
3- Select the Telegram app from the share menu.
4- Choose the person you want to transfer the chat with, then the chat will switch to the new app.
Transfer WhatsApp chats to Android phones
1- Open the WhatsApp chat you want to transfer.
2- Click “More” at the top of the discussion list, next to the “Voice Call” icon.
3 – Click on “Transfer or export the chat”.
4- Select the Telegram app from the Telegram share menu.
5- Choose the person you want to transfer the chat with, then the chat will switch to the new app.
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