Ahmed Makki: His role in the selection as an officer “participated in the dispersal of the Rab’a sit-in” sparks controversy over the actor’s “patriotism”


Does Ahmed Makki love Egypt? Or is he a “military agent”? Or is it an actor who was offered an important role, so he accepted it? These three questions, answered by hashtags on social media in Egypt, spread after the announcement of the participation of the actor, who has a large fan base, in the second part of the selection series .

A photo of actor Ahmed Makki from his Instagram account

Both campaigns, against Makki and with him, were based on a behind-the-scenes video clip from the series, in which Makki wears a policeman’s uniform in what appears to be a depiction of the events of the sit-in “Rab’a. dispersion.”

Photos of Makki leaked into the filming scenes for part two of “The Choice” two days ago. At the time, there was talk of the similarity between Makki and the American actor “Vin Diesel”. Some even called Makki “Vin Diesel” the Ghalaba “.

However, as more details were revealed about the series and Makki’s role, the discussion turned to Makki’s participation in the series and what it means for his followers of various orientations.

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