Astronomers say there is no “ninth planet” on the edge of the solar system, after a study found that the unusual orbits used to predict its existence may be an illusion, as experts on the University of Michigan have reviewed a number of studies of the solar system. to search for evidence of a ninth planet, and they reached For these results.
According to the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, the theory of the ninth planet gained momentum in 2016 after astronomers affiliated with the California Institute of Technology linked strange groups of objects in the orbit of Neptune and the – beyond with a large planet on the edge of the solar system.
This planet, called the ninth planet, is said to be 10 times the size of Earth and up to 400 astronomical units from the sun, 400 times farther from the sun than Earth, but no evidence of its existence has been found.
Additionally, looking at the results of three different surveys of these very distant objects, the team found no evidence of actual clusters.
Astronomers Konstantin Batygin and Michael Brown of the California Institute of Technology came up with the idea of the ninth planet that changes the orbits of space entities in 2016, and since this year a number of other investigations have found more of these distant objects. and incorporated them. in this study, whereas the Michigan researchers were able to determine that the selection bias was that it played an important role in the theory of “clustering” of these entities.
They found no evidence of a clear grouping, which negates the idea that a large object could cause it because it doesn’t exist, and they took objects from the Origin Inquiry from the outer solar system, which found no evidence of clusters, and objects from dark energy scans and the work of astronomers leading the search for the ninth planet.
This allowed the team to account for any bias in previous surveys and create a picture of true grassroots groups.
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