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The artist, Sherine Reda, tops the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Google search engine’s most searched list, after her guest with the famous “Abla Fajita” doll on the broadcast “Live from Duplex”. on the “ON” channel, Friday.
During the meeting, Reda released a number of controversial statements, where he spoke about his relationship with his divorced artist Amr Diab, how they got to know each other early on through their participation in a music video and how their relationship developed until they got married.
Sherine Reda confirmed that her relationship with the set is still strong and shared with respect, describing it as “romantic”, and “all of her songs are still directed to her even after separation”.
During the meeting, she revealed her academic qualification, explaining that she is preparatory, saying: “I failed in high school, so I traveled to complete my studies abroad, but my qualification in Egypt is preparatory. “
She also spoke about the love stories she has experienced throughout her life, explaining that she is currently having a love affair with a 28-year-old young man.
The latest work by artist Sherine Reda is the film “The Washer”, starring Mahmoud Hamida, Ahmed Hatem and Hana Zahid, in addition to Muhammad Salam, Bayoumi Fouad, Ahmed Fathi and Taher Abulaila, written by Adel Salib and directed by Essam Abdel Hamid.
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