News 24 | The Ministry of Health offers an early detection service for colorectal cancer in health centers


Colon and rectal cancer The Ministry of Health has announced that it is providing an early detection service for colorectal cancer at primary health care centers in all parts of the Kingdom.

The ministry said target groups for detection include people between the ages of 45 and 75. Even if there are no symptoms of the disease or a family history of colorectal cancer or polyps.

She added that the review is carried out by making an appointment through the “My Health” platform, and that it is aimed at people at increased risk of developing the disease, and these are those who have family or bodily history of colorectal cancer. , polyps, long-term inflammatory bowel disease or ulcerative bowel disease, and those who were exposed to radiation therapy in childhood.

And she indicated, via the platform “Live Seha”, that the chances of developing colorectal cancer increase after the age of fifty for both sexes, since 90% of cases occur in people aged 45 or over.

She indicated that the first symptoms of the disease are a change in flow, diarrhea, constipation or a change in the nature of the stool for more than two weeks, and the presence of bleeding from the anus or blood with bowel movements, in addition to abdominal disturbances such as cramps, gas or pain for a long time, in addition to feeling a constant desire to go to the bathroom, weight loss of unknown cause, severe anemia of unknown cause, and vomiting.

"health" It allows an early detection service for colorectal cancer in health centers

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