Ahlam receives her husband after a year of absence from him


Ahlam receives her husband after a year of absence from him


Emirati artist Ahlam

Emirati singer Ahlam received her husband and son with kisses and hugs, after a long absence that lasted a year, due to the spread of the Corona virus in the country.

Ahlam shared her audience with a video via her account on the “Twitter” site, and she was shown receiving her husband, hugging him and kissing his head.

Ahlam commented on the video, saying, “I have enlightened my heart, your house and your place. Praise God. Praise God. Oh my heart, my love.”

Observers praised “Ahlam’s love for her husband, his sincerity and loyalty to him, and they never miss the opportunity to express their love in front of the audience.”

Source: RT

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