World News Today – The discovery of 3 unknown objects on the International Space Station and their isolation … photos and video


World News Today World News – The discovery of 3 unknown creatures in the International Space Station and their isolation … Images and video The source of the news – news agencies with the details of the news the discovery of 3 unknown creatures in the International Space Station and their isolation … Images and video:

World News Today – Tuesday March 16, 2021 Source in community agencies

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Researchers have discovered a new group of bacterial organisms on the International Space Station, unknown on planet Earth, and previously unrecorded by scientists.

American and Indian researchers working with the American space agency “NASA” have spotted four strains of bacteria living in different places on the International Space Station, three of which are not at all known to scientists.

Between 2015 and 2016, scientists found four strains, of which 3 were isolated, where the first was found on the top panel of the International Space Station research stations, the second was found in the dome of the station and the third was found on the surface of the dining table, and the fourth was found in a filter. An old “HEPA” was brought back to Earth in 2011.

Many have questioned the reason for the presence of these bacteria on the International Space Station, but the astronauts who live on the space station have worked for years to grow small amounts of plants for research and to provide research. food, so it’s not surprising. that microbes of plant origin are on board, according to the study published in the scientific magazine Frontiersin.

One of the strains was identified in the “HEPA” filter, as a known species called “Methylorubrum rhodesianum”. The new strains were not previously identified by scientists, and scientists gave them the following names (IF7SW-B2T, IIF1SW-B5 and IIF4SW-B5).

The science team, led by University of Southern California geneticist Swati Pilani, proposed naming the new species “Methylobacterium ajmalii” after Ajmi Khan, a famous Indian biodiversity scientist.

Two members of the science team, Kasturi Venkateswaran and Nitin Kumar Singh of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said in a press release: “To grow plants in extreme places where resources are scarce, it is necessary to isolate new microbes that help promote plant growth under stressful conditions. ”

The team is doing a careful analysis of the four strains through genetic analysis to look for genes that can be used to help promote plant growth, as these strains have a great ability to resist external factors in space.

“This will further help identify genetic determinants that may be responsible for enhancing plant growth under microgravity conditions and contributing to the development of self-sustaining plant cultures for long-term space missions in the future,” wrote the team in his study.

Researchers have found that one of the International Space Station strains “IF7SW-B2T” has promising genes involved in plant growth, including a gene for an enzyme essential for cytokinin, which promotes cell division in plants. roots and buds.

According to the study published in the scientific journal “sciencealert”, around 1000 samples have already been collected from the International Space Station, but it is still awaiting a return to Earth.


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