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A new study has found symptoms that appeared 10 years ago in people at risk for stroke, in research the results of which were recently published after a study that lasted about 28 years.
Detecting these early signs allows patients to reduce their risk of stroke by adopting a healthier lifestyle or trying a new drug that may prevent them.
Researchers at Erasmus University MC in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, looked at data from 14,712 people who had been followed for 28 years.
People in the research sample took a series of mental and physical tests at the start of the study as well as periodic exams every few years throughout the study period.
Tests carried out on these people included tests of memory, verbal fluency, reaction and assessment of their ability to wash, cook, clean and manage their finances.
During the study period, 1,662 participants had their first stroke, with an average age of 80 years.
The signs of a stroke appeared 10 years ago
The analysis found that the performance of people with stroke began to decline 10 years ago compared to their healthy peers in the research sample.
According to the study, some details of which were published by the British “Daily Mail”, under the title (the study claims that stroke patients show mental warning signs of impending stroke 10 years before the injury), the differences appeared in their ability to perform basic daily tasks before two to three years after the stroke.
“They (at risk for stroke) experienced faster mental decline and a reduced ability to perform daily tasks, such as banking and cooking,” the study said.
Illness “Alarm ringing”
Dr Alice Heshmatallah, researcher in the study published in detail in the journal Neurology and Brain Surgery, said: suggesting that people with cognitive and functional decline are at increased risk for stroke and are potential candidates. “
The doctor pointed out that the results indicate that harmful physical changes had occurred in the brain years ago, and added: “The accelerated decline in cognition and daily functions before the stroke indicates that people who experience a future Strokes suffer from damage accumulated in the brain years ago. the acute event, such as small vessel disease, neurodegeneration and inflammation.
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Stroke: what do you need to know to avoid it?
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