3 fruits cause arthritis! • Al Marsad newspaper


The Monitor: While there is no cure for arthritis, adjusting certain aspects of your lifestyle can reduce some of the more serious symptoms.

According to the Physicians Committee, a US-based nonprofit organization with more than 17,000 physicians, certain fruits can be “common pain triggers” for arthritis, including:
• citrus fruits.

• Apple.

• the banana.

Meanwhile, there are other types of fruits that provide relief from arthritis symptoms.

The Arthritis Foundation (AF) found that studies show that consuming watermelon reduces the inflammatory marker CRP, also known as C-reactive protein, which is a marker for systemic inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, common form of inflammatory arthritis.

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential to preventing a range of health problems, but it also offers direct benefits for arthritis.

In addition to moderation in your diet, regular exercise can help reduce the impact of arthritis.

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