News 24 | Ideas to change to lose weight in the best possible way


dietLosing weight is not about diet and its timing, but how you follow it to achieve your goal, and that is why some methods are more successful than others, there are those that go without food completely, and there are those who feel guilty, and it is they who resume their previous diet without losing weight.

In this report, here are the most important ways to help you lose weight in the best way, without excess, neglect or deprivation.

No quick results

The belief that any system you follow will bring you quick results is frustrating if those results are not achieved. Instead of embracing quick results, identify the changes that will have a long-term impact.


How do you see things?

Your weight loss depends on the answer to the question How do you see things? Or in other words, what is your will? If you want to diet, but have trouble sticking to it, feel distressed, or feel like you’re doing something extraordinary, you need to review your accounts immediately.

what do you look like

from tomorrow

“I’m going to eat this meal, and from tomorrow I’m going to start a tough diet.” We regret to say that delaying, in addition to this kind of thinking, can destroy you, and put you in a vicious cycle. If you want to start a diet, start now and immediately, instead of gaining weight from excessive fat intake.

the food

How can I cure what I have destroyed?

You can get frustrated while eating a delicious meal full of calories, or what you might call human weakness towards food, your behavior after that meal is what determines if you can lose weight or not? If after that meal you can cut calories in subsequent meals instead of blaming yourself, you’re on the right track, and if you don’t, you won’t lose weight.

the food

There is no such thing as bad food

If you are feeling guilty about eating carbohydrates or sweets, you should question yourself: there are no good and bad food, but there are some foods that are better for our health and others that are less beneficial.

So do not give up any “healthy” food or food group to lose weight, because if you consider certain foods to be bad, eating them will be counterproductive.

20-80. theory

Aim for 80% of the time on your plate, half the veggies, a quarter of the whole grains, a quarter of the protein, plus healthy fats, and 20% of the time for chips and candy on the plate without guilt, or just on It will make you less hungry on vacation, and it’s a healthy diet par excellence.


Libra is not an indicator

The results show up on the scale later, while body measurements show the results of the diet faster, and this is the guaranteed way to know if you are following the diet correctly, and for this reason, avoid standing on the diet. balance daily, and instead stick to just once a week


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