News 24 | “Consumer Protection” specifies when it is possible to obtain a replacement car during maintenance … and the exceptions


Consumer Protection" Indicates when a replacement car can be obtained during maintenanceThe Consumer Protection Association has clarified when the customer has the right to obtain a replacement car when performing maintenance, and what cases this right is lost.

The association said the agent is obliged to provide an alternative car temporarily, if there is a delay in the direct delivery to the consumer of spare parts of continuous demand or rare demand within 14 days from the date of the request, if the consumer cannot use the car due to a defect covered by the warranty.

She added that it is also necessary to provide a replacement car, in case the agent is delayed for more than an hour by providing the consumer with a document indicating the cost and the date of completion of the maintenance work. periodic from the time the car (provided it is brought on time), as well as in the event of a delay in the scheduled time for the completion of periodic and non-cyclical maintenance work.

Alternative vehicle conditions:

The car must be sold to the same dealership from which it was purchased, and the replacement car must be of the same class as the consumer car, or offset this with a financial amount of (the purchase price of the car divided by 400) for each day of delay.

When does the consumer have the right to claim a replacement car?

The consumer has the right to do so if the specified period has elapsed (in an independent document signed by the consumer and the agent) for the completion of periodic maintenance work, provided that the period of completion of maintenance work does not exceed that followed by the product and the agent did not comply with it.

Exceptional cases:

There are cases when the exchange of a replacement car for the consumer is excluded, and these are during periodic maintenance, when repairing accidents and when insurance companies delay.

Consumer Protection" Indicates when a replacement car can be obtained during maintenance

Consumer Protection" Indicates when a replacement car can be obtained during maintenance

Consumer Protection" Indicates when a replacement car can be obtained during maintenance

Consumer Protection" Indicates when a replacement car can be obtained during maintenance

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