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Egyptian composer Helmy Bakr has criticized what he called a state of imbalance around artist Mohamed Ramadan and called what he considers the singer to be “Number One”.
Helmy Bakr explained, during the animation of the program “Al-Arafa”, broadcast on the Egyptian channel “Al-Mehwar”, that “there is a flaw in his relations with the public and a flaw in the celebrity size. ”As a new film, and number one in the Arab world for me, Saber Al-Rubai.
And Muhammad Ramadan confirmed that he is “number one on communication platforms and in drama”, declaring: “I am not saying that I am ‘number one’ because I am only on communication platforms, but also in the drama. “
Ramadan added, in an interview with “Sabah Al Arabiya”, that “my series from the time of” Ibn Halal “is the most watched in the Arab world, passing by” Al Ostoura “,” Eagle of Upper Egypt ” and “Al -Prince”, and my YouTube channel is the most watched too, and second is TV channels, not artist channels. He explained that “self-praise is a marketing method for gain the public’s trust, and I’m not a narcissist. “
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