Ventilation then ventilation. Faraj energy in the face of the danger of Corona mutations


At a time when people are anxiously awaiting a return to normal life, mutations in the Corona virus complicate the scene, especially after studies have shown that the delta and kappa variants originating in India can be transmitted within seconds of walking. simply next to an infected person. anybody.

Amid high hopes, the theory of improving ventilation in schools before children return to class has returned to the forefront, as research considers physical distancing measures, adequate ventilation, and face masks to be fine. equipped can significantly reduce the risk of infection.

formidable weapons

In a financial Times news article, Joseph Allen, director of the Healthy Buildings Program and associate professor at Harvard’s Chan School of Public Health, argued that buildings, if properly ventilated, could be formidable weapons. in the fight against the virus.



Previously, Lydia Morawska, Director of the International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health and Professor at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia, and Donald Melton of the Institute of Applied Environmental Health, College of Public Health, University of Maryland in the United States of America, explained in previous research that aerosol transmission is a great hazard, highlighting the need to focus more on indoor air quality.

Even in public

Experts also called for a renewed interest in improving ventilation in public places to reduce transmission of the virus, especially in schools, and this emphasis on ventilation has arisen from scientists’ advanced understanding. how the coronavirus is spread and the critical importance of transmission through the air.

They also noted that classrooms should have at least two methods of ventilation.



It should be noted that after a series of convincing study results in major journals, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control have recognized that the virus is mainly transmitted through aerosols, and since then it issued recommendations for the reopening of schools which emphasize the importance of good ventilation, in addition to vaccinations.

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