24 recommendations from the declaration to promote mental health in the community


01 Full consideration of mental health issues in public health policies.

02 Law to balance mental patients’ rights to safety and quality with their rights to privacy.

03 Increase public awareness of mental health issues.

04 Help primary care physicians understand and treat the most common mental disorders.

05 Integrate “mental health” into school and university curricula.

06 Adoption of the “Mental health at work” charter.

07 Invest in digital solutions and technologies to promote mental health.

08 Launch of official prizes on mental health challenges and issues.

09 Unified repository which brings together the bodies working in mental health to discuss issues related to the field.

10 Enact an insurance law that is mandatory to include the service.

11 Set fair rates for insurance premiums and coverage.

12 Download dramatic and cinematographic works with messages that contribute to self-treatment of negative effects.

13 Take advantage of obstacles encountered by the individual and turn them into works of art capable of transmitting positive energy.

14 Self-train on endurance and learn to find solutions to psychological crises.

15 Adopt music as a method of psychotherapy because of its positive effects.

16 Use the artwork as a platform for the individual to relive memories and tell stories.

17 Adopt art therapy for its renewable energies which have the capacity to prove themselves.

18 Continuously practice the arts for its ability to expand the soul with renewed positive feelings.

19 The presence of the trainer or the psychiatrist is an urgent necessity in our sports clubs.

20 Raise awareness among athletes with the help of psychiatrists when they are faced with problems.

21 Restore the confidence and motivation that the player does not find in the sports official and is the specialty of psychiatry.

22 Clubs should monitor their players of all ages and intervene to provide psychological support when needed.

23 Injury is considered to be one of the biggest problems after which the athlete needs psychological care to regain his level.

24 Exercising for half an hour a day for non-athletes contributes to psychological stability.

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