People circulated the famous popular proverb, “It was a rapture that broke out,” to refer to the person who did something that he believed to be good and beneficial for him, and the result turned out to be the contrary, so he regretted what he did. did. Such is the case for those who seek pleasure and glory in order to fall into the evil of their actions. And between curiosity, intrusion and the quest for glory, those who tamper with technology expose themselves to penalties initially instituted to control public order, preserve religious values and public morals, and preserve the sanctity of privacy. video editor awaiting punishment. Another films a person doing a certain behavior or action, and publishes the clip and affects their privacy, so the video editor comes under threat of electronic crimes, the penalty of which is imprisonment, a fine, the confiscation of the device used or the closure of the platform used in the crime.
“Prosecution”: imprisonment and fine await intruders
The public prosecutor warns against the production, preparation, dispatch or storage of anything that would violate public order, religious values, public morals or the sanctity of private life, by the through the computer network or computer, indicating that the perpetrator will be punished with imprisonment of up to 5 years and a fine of up to 3 million riyals, or either of these two penalties.
The prosecution has warned against any practice or behavior involving the misuse of smartphones and violating the privacy of workplaces by photographing, defaming or harming others, violating public morals, or publishing it all using various IT resources.
The prosecution has indicated that anyone who commits a crime of invasion of privacy by using cell phones equipped with a camera or the like, or of defamation or injury to others, will be punished with imprisonment of up to one year and a fine of up to half a million riyals.
And the spokesman for the prosecution, Dr Majid Al-Dasimani, said that violating the privacy of people in public places is subject to legal responsibility, “when you detect a crime, submit the content to the authorities. security and do not post by means of communication, so as not to treat the crime with a crime.
Return the offending clips … a crime
Lawyer and legal adviser Abdulaziz bin Dabashi warned students against using phones to film in schools after the decision to officially ban them, noting that it is an information crime that requires imprisonment and a fine.
He called on parents to educate their sons and daughters on the need for proper use of the mobile device, and not to use it improperly, which exposes him to penalties of over 500,000. rials, or one of these two penalties; Anyone who commits any of the following computer crimes: invasion of privacy by misusing cell phones equipped with a camera, or similar, defamation and harm to others, by various computer means. Lawyer Bin Dabashi pointed out that posting clips and messages puts their owner under the law, because dismissal for abuse, defamation or invasion of privacy does not exempt from legal liability.
Security is able to access the fictitious name
Lawyer and legal advisor Abdulaziz bin Dabashi explains that there are well-known ways to convey the complaint or communication without defamation, the most important of which is the “We are all safe” app, and you can attach a video or photos to prove a crime, and thus you are completely exempt from any legal liability, as defamation is prohibited and is a punishable crime. The law, even if it is for the purpose of warning and alerting, defamation is only a court decision which stipulates defamation and has specific procedures and methods established by the system and not via the platforms social media.
Bin Dabashi pointed out that some expect his use of fake, temporary or borrowed identifiers to save him from sanction and legal liability, which is undoubtedly a mistaken expectation, as the relevant authorities have the possibility of reaching every attacker and criminal even if they cancel their account used for the purpose of abuse or delete the offending message.
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