Al-Marsad Journal: A study found a distinctive sign at night, especially at bedtime, which indicates leukemia, that is, night sweats.
Why does a person with leukemia sweat at night?
Of more than 2,000 leukemia patients surveyed, 31 percent said night sweats were a major symptom before their diagnosis.
Cancer research organizations claim that the main causes of leukemia causing night sweats are due to the body’s attempt to fight cancer.
As cancer continues to cause fever, the body produces excessive sweating in an attempt to lower body temperature.
In treatment cases, night sweats persist even when patients are receiving cancer treatment due to the interaction of treatments such as chemotherapy and hormone levels.
Other causes of night sweats
Night sweats alone are usually not due to a serious underlying health problem such as leukemia and can be associated with many conditions such as anxiety, low blood sugar, and alcohol or drug abuse.
However, one should see a doctor if they continue to have persistent night sweats, especially if they are associated with other symptoms, such as fatigue, back pain, frequent infections, nosebleeds, and bruising.
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