A study that blows up all of the above on Corona and teachers


A recent study refuted all of the above that said teachers were more affected than others by Corona virus infection, noting that the results proved otherwise.

Researchers at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, have revealed that teachers and other family members are no longer likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 at any time during the past school year, including times when schools were fully open.

The researchers conducted a study of more than 130,000 people between the ages of 21 and 65, from March 2020 to July 2021, and each of them was compared to a sample of unaffected people of the same age and sex.

During the year, the risk of being hospitalized with a serious COVID-19 infection was less than 1% for teachers, healthcare workers and working-age adults in the general population.

Less likely to get hurt

Teachers were also 23% less likely to be hospitalized with the virus than other staff members after adjusting for factors such as age, gender and ethnicity.

The study found that teachers were 44% less likely to have an acute infection with the Corona virus, that is, severe cases requiring intensive care admission or resulting in death within 28 days.

Additionally, the researchers did not specifically point out why teachers were not at higher risk than the average working-age adult, but suggested that the reason could be that they are generally better off. health or more interested in avoiding Corona infection than workers in other professions.

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