News 24 | Trade reveals number of cover-up cases referred to prosecution in past 8 months


"Trade" Reveal the number of cases "cover" Referred to the public prosecutor during the last 8 months The Commerce Ministry has revealed the number of commercial cover-up cases it referred to the prosecution from early 2021 until last August.

The ministry said, according to “Al Arabiya Net”, that the number of commercial cover-up cases referred to the prosecution in the past eight months amounted to 585 cases.

And he said that during the same period, surveillance teams have carried out more than 21,000 inspection tours of commercial establishments and markets in various regions of the Kingdom to ensure their compliance with the system. anti-commercial cover-up.

The anti-commercial cover-up system provides that cover-up is punished with imprisonment of up to five years, or a fine of up to 5 million rials, or one of these. two sentences, and the sentence is published at the expense of the offender and defamed him.

The sanctions also include the cancellation of the offender’s trade register, cancellation of the license, liquidation of the business of the offending activity and the ban on carrying out the activity for a period not exceeding 5 years.

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