5 warning signs of advanced prostate cancer
Thursday – 23 Safar 1443 AH – September 30, 2021 AD
London: “Middle East Online”
Early stage prostate cancer doesn’t show any specific signs, making it difficult for a person to tell if something is wrong.
And in cities like Delhi, Kolkata and Pune, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men, according to the Indian Council for Medical Research. Likewise, in cities like Mumbai and Bangalore, it is the third cancer.
At its initial stage, this cancer doesn’t show any specific signs, so it can be difficult for a person to tell that something is wrong.
According to cancerindia.org, the incidence of prostate cancer in India is increasing rapidly.
To shed some light on prostate cancer and the main signs that accompany it, Dr Shilb Agarwal, urologist at CK Birla Hospital in Gurgaon, told Onlymyhealth that cases of prostate cancer are more common in large Indian cities for two reasons. The first is that there are lifestyle factors such as stress, poor eating habits, and lack of physical activity. All of these factors increase the risk of developing any type of disease, including prostate cancer. Another factor is that the diagnosis of the disease is more widely available in cities of level (1), compared to cities and villages of level (2) and (3).
According to Dr Agarwal, the spread of diseases can be detected if testing facilities are also extended in towns and small towns in India.
Regarding the factors that can lead to prostate cancer, Dr Agarwal revealed that there are certain factors that can increase the risk of prostate cancer. Some people have a genetic predisposition to this disease. This means that if a family member has had prostate cancer, they can develop it as well. It can occur at an early stage and the severity of the disease can also be greater. Then there is the racial factor although the Indian race is not subject to it; However, the spread of the disease is still present. Other risk factors include poor eating habits, obesity, and lack of physical activity.
Regarding the symptoms and early signs of prostate cancer, Dr Agarwal said that this type of cancer does not have any specific signs or symptoms. This makes it difficult for a person to determine if they have a problem. In fact, the initial symptoms of prostate cancer overlap with other common conditions, especially BPH.
Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) include:
1- Obstruction of urinary flow
2 – frequent urination
3- A burning sensation during urination
4- Blood can pass with urine
5- Increased urination during the night
There is an overlap between these symptoms and the symptoms of prostate cancer. This means that if someone has problems with the urinary tract, they should see a doctor.
As for signs of advanced prostate cancer, bone and joint pain is a sign of prostate cancer. The first thing to know about prostate cancer is that it is a slow growing cancer; It usually develops sequentially. This means that “initially there is a local extension of the adjacent structure followed by metastasis to bone and later by metastasis to other parts of the body such as the liver and lungs”.
In this context, Dr Agarwal explained the symptoms and signs of advanced prostate cancer, including:
1 – Bone and joint pain, especially in the hips, back and shoulders
2- Increased irritability
3 – loss of energy
4 – Weakness
5- Weight loss
There may be a kidney obstruction in which urine cannot be passed from the kidneys due to a blockage or there may also be an obstruction to the passage of stool. It can also appear as constipation or blood in the stool.
On how to diagnose prostate cancer, the doctor indicated that there were two steps; The first is a blood test known as a prostate specific antigen (PSA) to determine a man’s chances of developing or developing cancer. The second is that the urologist then performs a digital rectal examination. This is done to see if there is an abnormality in the particular prostate.
If an anomaly is detected, an additional diagnostic is carried out. Prostate cancer is confirmed by a PET or MRI. Final confirmation is also done by performing a prostate biopsy.
Regarding the treatment of prostate cancer, Dr Agarwal explained that, like any other disease, it depends on its severity. It can be low, medium or high risk. If the risk is low, it can be treated with radiation therapy or radical surgery. Both treatments are effective, have very few side effects and ensure a complete cure from cancer. If the risk is moderate, then radiation therapy and radical surgery are done along with higher treatment such as androgen deprivation therapy. And if the risks are high: in such a case, interventions such as systemic therapy and chemotherapy are necessary.
The doctor advises people undergoing treatment for this disease to eat properly and get enough exercise, and to take a series of precautions, including:
1- Eat enough protein
2- Maintain humidity
3- exercise regularly
4- Take care of other illnesses
Emphasizing that these tips help the patient to resist the disease and to tolerate the treatment. However, if any abnormalities occur during treatment, a doctor should be consulted immediately.
Regarding advice that can help prevent this disease, Dr Agarwal said there is no specific way to prevent the development of prostate cancer. However, you need to eat right, get enough exercise, and control your weight; These things will keep you in shape and lower your chances of developing prostate cancer. Also, if you are over 50, you should see a doctor if you have urinary problems.
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