Gold retreats but moves towards its first weekly gain in 4 weeks


  Gold is back but is heading towards its first weekly gain in 4 weeks
Gold is down but topping for the first weekly gain in 4 weeks

L & # 39; gold retreats but heads to its first weekly gain in 4 weeks, "Friday, July 6, 2018 21:15" After the technological revolution, we know the proliferation of sites and news agencies, news from around the world and hot events in all the countries of the world, as well as the transmission of the most current information in our country. Beloved Arabs, and the Arab continental dispersion among these brain news agencies We brought news from most of these agencies and news sites, and from the news genuineness you publish, we have transferred all these elements in an information source, the Arab News, and we start with the news. "Gold is backing but it is heading towards its first weekly gain in 4 weeks."

Friday, July 6, 2018 21:15 The news was published by Arab News, gold retreats but is heading towards its first weekly gain In 4 weeks


London – Saba:

fell L & # Gold hits Friday, but metal is heading toward its first weekly gain in four weeks

The spot price of gold has dropped 0.1% to $ 1256.54 an ounce to 07.02 GMT, after falling to $ 1252.15 the ounce earlier in the session. Among the other precious metals, silver rose 0.5% to $ 16.06 an ounce, platinum rose 0.3% to $ 842.70 an ounce, while as 0.2% palladium reached US $ 842.70 an ounce. Percent at $ 945.97 the ounce


The gold recedes But we will achieve the first weekly gain in 4 weeks, a message that we send you our dear visitors full of money. love, appreciation and respect, even if we had any eloquence, we would not have to say but the short, where we hope to have your trust in us And do not forget not follow us on the social media pages of our website Arab News, Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, and keep you informed of news and political, economic, technical, sports, technical and health and beauty news. Gold retreats but heads for its first weekly gain in 4 weeks – gold retreats but heads for its first weekly gain in 4 weeks.

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