Ten days after the opening
Ten days after the inauguration of the historic market of & az az [[OkazvisitorsaresurprisedwhentheycometoenjoytheimposingentryfeesAmarketerfromthecityofJeddahsaidthateveryyearhevisitstheOkazmarketandissurprisedbythe39impositionofentrancefeesonvisitorsstatingthathefoundhimselfforcedtoentersoasnottobeembarrassedandunabletoenterfamilystressingthat39hesawanumberofvisitorsaskingandlookingforATMtowithdrawandenterthemarketexplainingthatthedevelopmentofentryfeesreducedthenumberofvisitorsandbecameacleardifferencefromthepreviousyearsSouqOkazvisitorstotwocategoriesGoldcategoryfor75riyalsandhasparkingandparkingprivateparkingandreceptionofthedoorforVIPsandvehiclestransportingthedoortothetentandwelcometheopportunitytoparticipateinthedrawattheendoftheeventOnly10riyals
Ten years after the opening of the historic Okaz market, visitors are surprised.
When they came to enjoy the events of the imposition of entry fees, which is the first time imposed in the Okaz market history, where many parents and market visitors annoyed and complain about unjustified fees in their opinion and the cost of large families. The general visited the Okaz market and was surprised to impose the right of entry to visitors, indicating that he was forced to even enter the market. He noted that he had seen a number of visitors ask and look for ATMs to retreat and enter the market, explaining that entry fees reduced the number of visitors and that the difference was obvious compared to previous years.
The Okaz market ranked visitors in the two categories of the category Gold at QR 75: parking, private parking, door reception for VIPs and door transportation to the welcome tent and possibility of participate in the draw at the end of the event. The second category is a visitor category for a period of only 10 riyals to enter and visit the Okaz market.
07 July 2018 – 23 Shawwal 1439
01:30 AM
Ten days after the opening
Ten days after the opening of the historic market of Okaz Its visitors are surprised when they come to enjoy the events by charging fees, the first time in the Okaz market history, where many residents and market visitors were annoyed and complained of unjustified fees for their families .
Every year he visits the Okaz market and is surprised by the imposition of entrance fees on visitors, which indicates that he has been forced to to enter He said he saw a number of visitors asking and looking for ATMs to withdraw and enter the market, adding that entry fees had reduced the number of visitors and that the difference was evident from previous years.
Visitors to both categories of the Gold category were assessed at RO 75, which includes parking, private parking, reception from the VIP door and door transportation to the welcome tent and the opportunity to participate in the Grand Prize Draw. And the second category is the regular visitor category at $ 10 riyals only to enter and wander in the Okaz market function.
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