News 24 A priest is eager to end a wedding ceremony to watch Sweden and England


  Expressionist A Swedish amateur football pastor did not want to extend a wedding ceremony in "overtime" to attend the World Cup quarterfinal match against England on Saturday.

Reverend Enjo Soderlund, A wedding ceremony in a church north of Gothenburg between a Swedish bride and an English groom 45 minutes before the start of the match in Smara, Russia. There is a rally to watch the match, 100 meters from the church, and we will go there immediately. "

Soderlund, who saw the Sochi team lose 2-1 to Germany in the group stage, but did not find a substitute

" I'm nervous about of the match, but the wedding should make me calmer. I think Sweden will do a good job thanks to the preparations of the team and the love of the Swedish people with one or two prayers. "

The Swedish pastor was waiting for his country to win 2-1 and striker Marcus Berg scored both goals.He also said that he would try to find another priest because that he would travel to cheer his team in Moscow if they qualified for the finals.

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