$ 44.26 billion in net foreign exchange reserves at the end of June


  "Information Ministers": $ 44.26 billion in net foreign exchange reserves End of June
"Information Ministers": $ 44.26 billion in net end reserves June

"Information Ministers": $ 44.26 billion foreign exchange reserves June 30, 2012 Foreign exchange reserves: net foreign exchange reserves of $ 44.26 billion At the end of June, we are will send our visitors. With the most important news, the 'ministers of information': $ 44.26 million T net end of the foreign exchange reserves of June

Observatory News 8 July here 2018. | 19:06

The Information Center of the Council of Ministers, Infograph, announced that the Central Bank's net foreign exchange reserves at the end of June 2018 amounted to $ 44.26 billion.

Egypt imports an average of $ 5 billion per month in foreign goods and products, for an annual total of more than $ 55 billion, which represents about 8 months of imports of Egyptian goods, or more than the world average.

Urgent 2018-07-08

The Information Center of the Council of Ministers, Infograph, announced that the net foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank Bank at the end of June 2018, has reached $ 44.26 billion.

Egypt imports an average of $ 5 billion per month in foreign goods and products, for an annual total of more than $ 55 billion, which represents about 8 months of imports of Egyptian goods, or more than the world average. About three months of product imports into Egypt, which has served to meet the basic and strategic needs of Egypt.

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<p>  Source: <span class= Ona News Agency

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