Stoltenberg: The missiles of Iran worry us – RT Arabic


  Stoltenberg: The missiles of Iran worry us


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expresses NATO's concerns regarding Iran's missile program, noting that NATO will continue to develop its missile defense capabilities.
Staltenberg told Interfax on the eve of the NATO summit in Brussels: "Iranian ballistic missiles continue to be a source of concern for the alliance, and Tehran continues to develop and test more powerful ballistic missiles that could reach the European allies of NATO. "

Stoltenberg confirmed NATO's commitment to the Treaty on the Restitution of Medium and Short-Range Missiles and called on Russia to respond to US concerns about "Russian violations of the treaty".


He also pointed out that NATO is waiting for R. And this should address the concerns of NATO member states with regard to its cyber work. "This will prove Moscow's commitment to a constructive dialogue."

On the purchase of the S-400 system on the Russian side, Stoltenberg expressed his opposition "It is important that allied weapons be united."

Source: Interfax

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