Durra unveils her photo with Saba Mubarak of the Festival of Cinema Beacons in Tunisia


  Dora unveils her photo with Saba Mubarak from the Tunis Festival
Dora unveils her photo with Saba Mubarak from the Tunis Festival

Dora reveals her image with Saba Mubarak from the festival Les lighthouses du cinéma »In Tunisia, Nourt vous tells the location of the newspaper Al-Wasat, which contains the image of her with Saba Mubarak Festival of Lighthouses of Cinema in Tunisia

Al-Wasat – Durrat in the dress of "Cashmere" Customized on the famous photo journal "Instagram" new photos accompanied by the artist Sabra Mubarak of the festival "Manarat Alsine" Ma & # 39; in Tunisia
Durra had fought the previous race of Ramadan in the series "Eagle of Upper Egypt "and realized thanks to its positive reactions

Source: vetogate.com

More on this subject on the following links:

youm7 .com: Bushra mediated by Hind Sabri and Saba Mubarak at the Manarat Festival in Tunisia: "Women's Union Dangerous"

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Source: Norte