A Moroccan astronomical observatory discovers a new asteroid: NASA enters the line


Zuhair "The data on the new planet is still secret and will be officially announced tomorrow."

Bin Khaldun, head of astronomy at the University of Bahrain, Judge Ayad and the supervisor of the Ockaimden Observatory, in a statement to Haspris, that "the center participated in a discovery important in the field of asteroids by the telescope protects

The astronomer pointed out that the new discovery, conducted at the center of Okaimden, was also monitored by the radio telescope of the Agency International Space Agency (NASA), where important data were presented

The spokesman said that the significance of the discovery is that "for the first time in Morocco, Moroccan experts of this kind, and is very rare even in the world. "

On the other hand, a researcher in the same center,, that" the discovery of the small planet will be the fourth global case, and now a management team of the 39, International Space Agency to investigate and verify D years before the data is officially disclosed. "

The OkeaMeden Center, opened in 2007, discovered last year 7 new planets outside the solar system that could be viable, orbiting a star at 40 light-years away. used the Terabist-North telescope telescope, a 60 cm optical telescope, operated and operated by scientists and engineers from the Okeaimden Astronomical Observatory, part of the work of his Belgian counterpart Trappiste-Sud , 19659004] The University Observatory of Judge Ayad, which is located in the province region of Okeaimden Province, strengthens the telescope device of the year 2016

This device allows for To obtain measurements of the light of planets and stars, and to monitor comets and other small bodies in the solar system, with great precision.

The Moroccan Observatory said that the & 9 a a a a a que………….. Belgian team L & # 39; University of Liège, who contributed to this project, has already worked on the installation of a similar telescope in Chile, realized a great discovery is a planetary system composed of several telluric planets, the surface is likely to to be viable.

Laboratory of high-energy physics and astrophysics at the University of Qazi Ayaz doctoral certificates on two main themes (planets and comets), and will be under the joint supervision of the University of Liège and Marrakech. [19659015] [ad_2]
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