The Al-Ghonamy family celebrates the marriage of his son Yousif al-Ghunami with Masha'al bint Zuhayyan al-Maqati, professor of media at the University Islamic Imam Muhammad bin Saud in one of Riyadh's wedding halls.
Al-Ghanami celebrates his wedding in Riyadh “/>
Riyadh [19659008] Previously Electronic Journal Previously [1965900] 8] 2018-07-11
The family of "Ghonami" celebrated the wedding of his son, Youssef al-Ghunami, of Masha & al Bint Zhaian al- Maqati, media professor at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, in a wedding hall in Riyadh, in the presence of many friends, The groom, who attended to congratulate the groom on this happy occasion, wishing him happiness in homes and good offspring.
July 11, 2018 – 27 Shawwal 1439 [Masha'albintZhaianal-Maqatiestprofesseurdemédiasàl'UniversitéislamiqueImamMuhammadbinSauddansl'unedessallesdemariagedeRiyadEnprésenced'ungrandnombred'amisfamilleetamisdumariéquiontfélicitélemariéencetteheureuseoccasionluisouhaitantlebonheurdanslebienetlebien
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