Riyadh makes an urgent decision about the girl who harasses the Okaz market


According to Sadi Al-Balad, a police spokesman for the Mecca region said that a Okaz market girl, who participated in a concert, "The case of the girl was referred to the prosecution, where one of the market Okaz market participants in Taif, last night to go up to the theater in one of the paragraphs and committed "indictable", according to the newspaper " Okaz "Saudi Arabia According to the anti-harassment law, the girl in violation of a civilian institution was disabled

The girl raised a lot of controversy after going on stage and kissed the artist Majid al -Mohandes, causing a wave of anger over the means of social communication and called on the young men to report the girl "harassing" as described by some, The Saudi police immediately arrested the girl who abused women of the kingdom. [19659003] Please, if you like the news from Riyadh , make an urgent decision about the girl who harassed the Okaz market, her participation in news on social networks. You can also follow all the news via Facebook and Twitter.

Source: Sadi country

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