"Zahban Investigation" realizes an entertainment program for guests in conjunction with the finale


Zahban Investigation Prison Conducts Entertainment Program for Guests in the World Cup Final


Member of Time Management Suites to attend the World Cup final between France and Croatia, in the presence of the Director of the Department of Criminal Prosecutions in Jeddah, Lieutenant Colonel Adel Al-Subhi, Chief of Operations, President of the Times Management Suites and several officers and NCOs. The end of the game, and the exercise of the guests at the activities of the studio and the coloring faces in the colors of the Yen picket to inform them, as well as the average graphical preparation for the scientific France and Croatia, as well as the Saudi flag.

The program included several competitions, namely the expectation of the match result and the winning team, the skill of the ball on purpose between the two stages of the game, and a cultural competition for the World Cup. The participants of the program interacted with the various sections to distribute to the winners of the contests at the end of the program

July 17, 2018 – 4 Zul Qa 'da 1439


Included cultural competitions and activities and events multiples

] The Prison Administration of the General Inquiry in Zahban in Jad Province A program of 120 guests in Time Management Suites to attend the World Cup Final between France and Croatia, in the presence of the Director of the Department of Criminal Prosecutions in Jeddah, Lieutenant Colonel Adel Al-Subhi, the Chief of the Operations Division and a number of officers and non-commissioned officers. The program offers cultural competitions between the end and the end of the game and the exercise of the guests at the activities of the workshop and colors the faces in the colors and flags of the elect, in addition to the preparation of drawings average scientists from France and Croatia. The program included several competitions, namely the waiting of the match result and the winning team, the skill of the ball on the goal between the two stages of the game, and a cultural competition for the Cup of the world. On the guests, and showed the beneficiaries of the interaction of the program with the various paragraphs to be distributed to the winners of competitions at the end of the program.

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