Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar are among the highest paid artists in the world


Salman Khan of Bollywood Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar Akshay Kumar reached the Forbes list of the world's best artists and celebrities in 2018, a list of 100 names, Floyd Mayweather Akshay Kumar ranked 76th on the list, surpassing Salman Khan, 82nd on the list

  Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar are among the Top Paid Artists in the World

Forbes Top 100 List of Top Artists and celebrities in the world

Forbes Top 100 List of Artists and Famous Agra Worldwide, they had 100 names from all over the world and their combined salary over the last 12 months had risen to $ 6.3 billion pre-tax, up 22% from the total of artists and celebrities from last year

. $ 100 million

11 artists and celebrities whose gross salary exceeded $ 100 million this year, more than double the number of celebrities whose salaries exceeded $ 100 million on the same list in the past two years.

Akshay Kumar first-class star in Bollywood

 Akshay Kumar star A For the first year in Bollywood

As usual, Forbes published a simple description of each of the names on the list including Akshay Kumar 50, who managed to rank 76 on the list with a total cost of $ 40.5 million. One of the first class stars in Bollywood and are eager to highlight important social issues through their work. "

Salman Khan is one of the pillars of Bollywood

 Salman Khan is one of the pillars of Bollywood

Entered 82nd on the list with a total of 37.7 Million Dollars, Which Forbes Describes as One of Bolio's Best Stars

Stars and Celebrities in the World's Highest Income List

Famous American Boxer Floyd Mayweather Releases Forbes List of Top Artists and celebrities this year with a total salary of $ 285 million, among other famous names (19459004) Kylie Jenner ) came in third place, the famous footballer Cristiano Ronaldo ( Cristiano (19459004) , who appeared in the list George Clooney ) came in tenth place, Katie Perry Katy Perry ) came in 19th place, the famous tennis player Roger Fedd (19459004) JK Rowling ) came to the center of the center of the Ays, 42, the famous golfer Tiger Woods (19459004) Tiger Woods ) came in 66th place.

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