The smugglers took the mountain roads to hide themselves in Jazan and found the security that awaited them.


The photo smugglers took the mountain roads to hide themselves in Jazan and found the security waiting for them
Police in the Jazan region represented by Hachar and Lughazi Mountain Police Stations and Viva Province on Wednesday, a security campaign at a number of sites and the rugged mountain roads of offenders and smugglers [19659002] The al-Hashr mountains police overthrew 26 Africans of African nationality with rugged positions, in addition to seizing a Xant vehicle carrying a young man who found 40 packets of banned qat.

Security forces were also managed by police from Benghazi Province The overthrow of an Asian Beauvais attempted to secretly pass 130 packets of banned pirates in his vehicle Dina, but his ploy does not allow him to. did not cover the security guards and was able to detect them.

The security police also prevented Viva from smuggling more than 120 packets of Forbidden Khat, if any, from taking action against persons and seizures and returning them to the jurisdiction.
