Specification of the Arch of Alexandria and place of conservation of the skeletons discovered in the interior


Shaaban Abdel Moneim, a specialist in the study of mummies and skeletons at the Department of Antiquities, revealed that the lid of the black granite coffin was raised to a height of 60 cm, thus confirming that the coffin had 85 cm deep and 8.5 cm thick. The thickness of the coffin is 27 cm, it is likely that the total casket will be about 20 tons and that the body of the coffin will be laid, equipped to lift it and extract it from its place, And transferred to the Mustafa Kamel store in Alexandria and with the help of the workers of the city of Qeft b

Abdel Moneim said in private statements in Vito that the skeletons were packed and placed in wooden boxes, in using safe packaging materials on the effects of the Taejik token and using pillows and headrests between the three heads. To be transferred to the National Museum in Alexandria, in preparation for restoration and maintenance work, and are likely to be veterans of the old, noting that the skeletons will be assembled on the boards of "Gypsum Plus "to expose them.

Abdel-Moneim explains that the presence of water in the coffin For archaeologists, especially since the surrounding area of ​​the cemetery is dry, so how does the water flow in l & # 39; water? P inside the casket in the presence of a layer of mortar between the lid and the body of the coffin? Therefore, a sample of water in the arch was taken for analysis and knowledge of the type of bacteria present in the coffin and skeletons and placed in an environment suitable for the purpose. environment in which they were and adapted to the new environment to be safeguarded.

The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities led a scientific archaeological committee in Alexandria to open the granite coffin revealed in the Sidi Gaber region in East Alexandria

Waziri said that When opening the coffin, it turned out to be full of sewage. Brightness In the region, in addition to three skeletons

Shaaban Abdel Moneim, a specialist in the study of mummies and skeletons, confirmed that the preliminary examination of the skeletons indicates that it is the most likely three officers or military sergeants.

Waziri added that these structures will be transported inside the coffin to the National Monument of the National Museum of Alexandria, for restoration and study, to learn more about the skeletons, the cause of death and the historical period to which it is due. Him, and move it to the aligned store
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