Maher finished, preparing the religious epic "Youth in the Middle Ages".
Maher finished his play "King Marwan and Tarzan's grandson" for children aged 4 to 14 years. The eyes of the Prophet "on the stage of the Palace of Culture of Anfushi, Alexandria, which dealt with youth tournaments in the time of the Prophet, and how to make them" that peace be upon him The Prophet ( Allah's peace and blessings upon him) said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used the migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina, as well as their refuge and refuge in the battle of Badr despite their young age.
"Youth in the Eyes of the Prophet" with Ahmad Al-Kahlawi, Madiha Hamdi, Ahmed Maher, Ahmad Abdurwarth, Ahmad Azmi, Reza Idris, Laban Al Shaikh, Eman Imam, Sayed Abdulrahman and Hadi Khafaji. Abdelkader, design opinion Mostafa Mohsen, design clothes Mena Allah Mahmoud, the implementation of clothing Mahmoud Suleiman, Tuzi You can also follow all the news via Facebook and Twitter.
Source: Country Sadi
Tags Ahmed beginning grandsonquot Maher Marwan quotKing takes Tarzan39s year