Jazan's police reveal the circumstances of the murder of the groom's sister by "blooming".


The author of the shooting at the women's exit after the end of the ceremony to express his joy

He adds: Investigations and proc Hard identification identified the author, a 39-year-old citizen, who surrendered and admitted to shooting during the women's exit after the ceremony to express his joy at this occasion; His hand is in automation mode, was stopped and the weapon is used and used

The Emirate of Jazan emphasized the prohibition to use firearms at weddings, stressing that those who violate these instructions face up to imprisonment and fine penalties.

Jazan's police reveal the circumstances of the sister's murder. "The explosion of the weapon occurred in tragedy


The spokesman for the police Jazan District Captain Naif Hakmi details the incident in the Jazan region at dawn today, "The details of what resulted in the death of a woman shot on the wedding of his brother, the author admitted the shooting at the exit of a [Détails]: Al-Hakami said: Sunday 9/11/1439 AH, the police station of Madaya announced to have Shot on a wedding party in the eastern part of Mazhara village, causing the death of a 33-year-old woman and the injury of 30 more years.

He adds: Investigations and identification procedures made it possible to identify the author, a 39-year-old citizen, who surrendered and admitted to having shot during the exit women after the ceremony to express their joy on this occasion; His hand is in automation mode, was stopped and the weapon is used and used The Emirate of Jazan pointed out the prohibition to use firearms when Marriage occasions, explaining that those who violate these instructions are liable to penalties up to and including imprisonment and a fine.

July 22, 2018 – 9 Dhul Qadah 1439

10:19 PM

The criminal admitted to shooting during the women's exit after the end of the ceremony to express his joy

The spokesman for media for police Jazan, captain Naif Hakmi incident details in the Jazan early today A woman was shot at the wedding of her brother, the author admitted to have shot during an outing Les women after the ceremony, an expression of joy, and the weapon fell out of his hand in the mode of automation, which led to the appearance of tragedy. [Détails]: Al-Hakami said: On Sunday 9/11/1439 AH, the Madaya police station announced having fired on a wedding party in the eastern part of Mazhara village, causing the death of a woman from 33 years old and the injury 30 years older.

He adds: Investigations and identification procedures made it possible to identify the author, a 39-year-old citizen, who surrendered and admitted to having shot during the exit women after the ceremony to express their joy on this occasion; His hand is in automation mode, has been stopped and the weapon is used and used
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