A suicide bomber was killed in Pakistan


A police official announced the death of a Movement for Equity candidate during a suicide bombing in Khyber Pakhtun Khwa province in the northwestern part of the country. Jendabur, a candidate for the Equity Movement to take up the local parliament in the city of Deira Ismail Khan.

Police officer Zahor Afridi explained that "Ikram Allah Jendabur was killed and we are doing an autopsy."

The Anatolian news agency reported that the explosion had targeted a convoy of voters in Khyber Pakhtun Khwa province and had resulted in the murder of the candidate and his driver.

The video footage of the scene showed three unconscious people while they were bleeding.

A police officer quoted by the agency said that the driver of the car had been killed immediately and that the candidate had been injured and that he had died in the hospital.

The movement of the ancient cricket movement Omran Khan seeks to win the post of president

This attack occurs after a series of bombings

It is reported that the secrets of Allah Jundabur – brother Ikram Allah – was the minister of justice in the local government and was killed in a suicide bombing on his house in 2013.

General elections are due to take place next Wednesday, while fears of escalation violence is increasing in the country by 208 million and that political rallies can attract tens of thousands.

The parliamentary elections bring together dozens of political parties, the Pakistani Islamic wing Nawaz Sharif, Fadl

Electoral violence rages in Pakistan and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in an attack in bomb and firearm following an election rally prior to the 2008 elections.

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