For the first time .. Discovery of a vast lake of liquid water on Mars


  The discovery of a vast lake of liquid water on Mars

The width of the lake under a layer of ice is 20 km

A vast underground lake was discovered on Mars, L & Water is a prerequisite for the availability of life, according to scientists announced Wednesday.

In an article published in the journal "Science" America, the lake view under the ice cover of 20 km, indicates the presence of the lake to the possibility of more water and even life on the red planet.

Alan Daghi, Associate Professor at the University of Swinburne, "It's a truly remarkable discovery that suggests that the presence of water on Mars is not just a temporary observed flow in the previous discoveries, but a permanent mass of water that provides favorable conditions for life over a long period of time ". Mars is now a cold, desert and raucous planet, but it was once hot and humid with large amounts of liquid water and a large number of lakes at least 3.6 billion years ago.

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