Benefits of the gastric band – Journal is


The benefits of the gastric band are particularly important when spreading diseases of the digestive system due to viruses or unhealthy and fast foods that harm the stomach and increase digestion problems.

Benefits of the gastric band:

Fenugreek has been known since ancient times for its many benefits. It is widely used in alternative medicine because it contains vitamins, minerals, salts and proteins. These features make this circuit the first home remedies for stomach problems, diseases and benefits:

  • The ring acts to calm stomach ulcers, treat them and relieve the pain associated with ulcers.
  • The ring accelerates digestion by increasing the contractions of the stomach.
  • The circuit avoids indigestion and reduces the irritating gases formed by certain foods.
  • The ring is considered a general tonic for the body and at the same time strengthens the wall of the stomach.
  • It warms the stomach, reduces the acidity of the stomach and eliminates troublesome infections.
  • Have an effective role in eliminating worms by committing to eating ring powder in the morning before breakfast.
  • The ring interferes with the treatment of other parts of the digestive system such as the colon, preventing carcinogens from the colon.
  • Relieve constipation and improve digestion and results.

Ways to use the ring in treatment:

Despite the benefits of the ring, many people avoid it because of its unpleasant odor. There are tips to reduce the smell of adding ginger pieces to the ring or add lemon slices can also help to add some of the latency when be used to treat stomach problems.

  • The ring can be boiled with water, sweetened with honey and drunk in the stomach.
  • Boil the ring and mix with milk and drink daily.

Note: Before following this procedure or treatment, consult your doctor.

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