"Questions for the client" reveals the involvement of Ronaldo in the rape of a girl!




The German newspaper Der Spiegel has revealed new contradictions in the remarks of Cristiano Ronaldo, star of Juventus, accused of having raped daughter Katherine Mayorga in 2009.

In September 2009, Ronaldo replied that Maiorga had said "no" and "stopped" several times, while the answer was given in December of the same year. Not to mention this point.

According to Der Spiegel, on August 3, 2009, the newspaper published 41 pages of "Questions to Clients" written by a law firm in Los Angeles and sent them to the London criminal lawyer, the lawyer Carlos Osorio de Castro, and four months later, at 24 hours. In December 2009, De Castro sent several lawyers a file showing that Ronaldo's answers were not the same and that the differences between the first and the last version of the questionnaire were clear.

"This is not true of having sex," Ronaldo explains in the September issue. "It's not true having sex, I'm still not ready, at least not for the first time … and having sex with her … she said that's # She was not interested, but she called me and hailed her. "

The December version does not mention any reference to Katherine's rejection or Ronaldo's apology.

Source: agencies

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