The reason for men's dependence on "video games"


Opinion – Agencies

Many people are addicted to video games, and maybe children and men are leading while women and girls are not interested in these games, but why?

The results of a recent Chinese study on the cause of men's addiction to video games revealed more than women, according to the RSNA website.

In the course of the study, scientists interviewed a few hundred men and women who were fond of video games, studied their health status and psychological state and submitted them to magnetic resonance imaging to verify the structure of the video. their brain and the mechanism differences between the emotions caused by their electronic games.

Scientists have discovered that video games affect certain areas of the brain of men responsible for emotional behavior.

"Men's brains could be more likely to be affected during the match than women's because of the difference in hormone secretion between men and women, and testosterone could be there for something "said senior author of the study, Yoon Sun.

Earlier, a recent American study warned that the practice of violent video games could lead to changes in the part of the brain responsible for controlling aggressive behavior in individuals.

The study, conducted by researchers at Indiana University in the United States, indicates that violent video games among men, both male and male, can lead to permanent changes in the party responsible for controlling emotions and hostile behavior.

Dr. Yang Wang, a member of the research team, said the research revealed changes in parts of the brain that play an important role in controlling emotions and hostile behaviors.

"These results suggest that violent video playback has a long-term effect on brain function," Wang said, warning that these effects could translate into behavioral changes after a long period of play.

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