The sending of "Christmas" is delayed by the International Space Station


The sending of "Christmas" is delayed by the International Space Station

The shipment did not arrive in time for the International Space Station (NASA / Facebook)

December 8

A communication problem caused the arrival of Christmas sending to the International Space Station. The Space X capsule filled with space arrived about 10 meters from the station on Saturday. But a problem with the satellite communication network forced the control center to wait until the last minute.

In order to ensure the security of the mission, the control center ordered that the Dragon capsule be raised to 30 meters. Meanwhile, communication between the space station and the ground control units has been temporarily interrupted.

NASA, the US space agency, has no reason to believe that Dragon is still unable to reach the station Saturday, three days after its launch in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

The problem concerns equipment in New Mexico, which uses a satellite data tracking system. NASA will turn to the TDR satellite to solve the problem.

(Associated Press)

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