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Scientists have confirmed that children born on Mars will have many mutations, and attribute this to great differences in fetal formation.
Scientists have said that the properties of the Martian atmosphere would have a huge impact on the human body. Gravity on Mars is one of the most important aspects of a child's growth, according to the site "ryb".
They noted that the atmosphere containing radiation poses not only a danger to the fetus, but also to the mother, as it can reduce the chances of birth to zero.
Without great protection, the survival of an adult on Mars is impossible, not to mention a child whose fragile body has difficulties in the activities of independent living.
According to scientists, the problem is so important that all astronauts must be "sterilized" before traveling to Mars. In addition, they must permanently exercise on the surface of Mars to continue to live, because the gravity on the surface of Mars is less than one and a half times the gravity on the surface of the Earth.
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