Develop a "spray gel" to help prevent cancer recurrence after surgery


US researchers have developed an "aerosol gel" tested on a number of mice, have shown great success in inhibiting the chances of recurrence of tumors in the body and also controlled the development of tumors in D & M. Other parts of the body..

The results showed that after treatment, 50% of the mice had survived for at least 60 days without new tumor growth..

"This disposable gel is one of the biggest hurdles to cancer treatment," said Dr. Chen Ju, a professor at the University of California..

He added that about 90% of people with cancer tumors eventually die because of the recurrence of the tumor. It is therefore important to be able to develop something that helps reduce these risks..

In this study, the team tested the spray gel on mice with advanced skin cancer tumors and encapsulated the gel with preloaded calcium carbonate particles of the antibody. (CD47) A protein released by cancer cells as a way to prevent the body from destroying it and allowing the immune system to locate and eventually destroy the cancer cells. "

The researchers explained that the gel can activate T cells in the immune system to act together to form another line of attack against cancer cells. Once the solution is sprayed on the surgical site, it forms rapidly a gel with nanoparticles that dissolve gradually and release antibodies directed against the protein. (CD47) To the body.

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