06:00 p
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Canadian study finds emotions and anger increase risk of heart attacks within one hour, according to a Canadian study, because of its effect on high blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow abnormalities and blood flow blood in the heart.
"The lack of blood in the heart leads to heart attacks, which is why people with heart disease are affected," said Dr. Andrew Smith, of McMaster University in Canada, co-authored author of the study. "This study confirms the findings of an earlier study published in the journal Heart In which researchers revealed that anger increases the risk of heart attack by 5 times that of a normal person and by 3 times the risk of stroke, "according to the Al Bayan UAE newspaper website.
"During our study, we discovered that anger also affected the digestive system and posed many problems, in addition to skin allergies, headaches, infections, colds, flu and diarrhea. hypertension, all of which increase the risk of premature death. "
"The mind and body are not separate entities, each one affects the other." When we wriggle or irritate ourselves, the brain gives the signal to release stress hormones, such as l? adrenaline and cortisol, which cause an increase in heart rate, "said Dr. Fairuz Oynat, professor of psychology at the Royal Hospital, Hypertension and, in some cases, the elevation of body temperature and respiratory rate all have a negative effect on the health of the body. "
"Constant tension and anger cause inflammation of the blood vessels, including the underlying heart disease, and the recent study indicates that anger affects not only the body but also another effect on the rest of the body, as well as Treatment of anger during modern behavior therapy sessions Helps the individual to manage his problems by changing his thinking and acting to calm him down. "
All doctors recommend the importance of meditation sessions, which can radically change the way of thinking angry.
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