There are several classes or types of blood cells, including red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells. (WBC) And platelets.
According to the American medical website "Health Line", White blood cells are a vital part of the immune system, they protect the body against the invasion of bacteria, viruses and fungi, as well as against abnormal cells and other foreign substances.
Causes of leukemia
In leukemia, white blood cells do not function normally and can also divide very rapidly and migrate into normal cells.
White blood cells are often produced in the bone marrow, but some types of white blood cells are also made in the lymph nodes, spleen and thymus.
Once white blood cells are formed, they circulate throughout the body in the blood and fluid flowing through the lymphatic system, concentrating in the lymph nodes and spleen..
Risk factors and causes of leukemia
The causes of leukemia are not known, however, many factors have been identified that could increase your risk. These include:
Family history of leukemia
Smoking, which increases the risk of acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
Genetic disorders such as Down syndrome
Blood disorders, such as Congenital Anomaly Syndrome, sometimes referred to as "prelucemia""
Precancerous treatment such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Exposure to high levels of radiation
Exposure to chemicals such as benzene
Causes of leukemia
Types of leukemia
The appearance of leukemia can be acute or chronic.
In acute leukemia, cancer cells multiply rapidly, while the disease develops slowly and early symptoms can be very mild..
Causes of leukemia
Symptoms of leukemia
Symptoms include leukemia:
Excessive sweating, especially at night, is called "night sweats"
Fatigue and weakness that do not disappear with comfort
Involuntary weight loss
Bone pain
Inflammation of the lymph nodes is painless (especially in the neck and armpits).)
Enlarged liver or spleen
Red spots on the skin, called freckles
Bleeds easily and bruises easily
Fever or chills
Frequent infections
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