More than 70% of Tunisians are carriers of factors responsible for heart disease and arteriosclerosis


77% of Tunisians are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, according to a national survey conducted by the Tunisian Society for Studies and Research on Atherosclerosis in 24 states and 150 regions of the country.

The survey, which began in 2016, targets 11,300 people between the ages of 25 and 75 on all aspects of fatty blood imbalances and chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high blood pressure. 39, obesity, smoking and eating habits. .
The survey also revealed that 18.2% of the sample members had diabetes, of which 14.9% did not know that they were infected and 44% had a lipid imbalance in the blood.
The director of the consulting office for project research, Rabeez Rizkallah, said that the disease of fat imbalance (including cholesterol) was not a priority in the treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease .
Half of the sample (50.5%) questioned was suffering from high blood pressure. "We were shocked by this discovery, especially since 62% did not know the disease and were detected during the investigation," he said.
With regard to obesity, 70% of Tunisians are obese, 36% are overweight and 32% are obese.
The president of the association, Riyadh Juma, said that on the basis of the medical examination, the food questionnaire and the biological analysis, it had been found that the main cause of the injury resided in poor eating habits resulting from excessive consumption of fats, sugars, salt, lack of movement and psychological pressure, which caused atherosclerosis, Other diseases.
For its part, the Deputy Secretary General of the Society, Amani Qalal, said that the investigation was part of an association project to diagnose the situation initially and to launch a health education program as a second step.
She added that it was to take a small sample of the survey into a health education program, and then fill out a questionnaire to determine how this program helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in this group, then publish the results of the program to the relevant ministries.
The Association was founded on January 31, 2012 and joined the World Association of Atherosclerosis in 2013. His work focuses on research on atherosclerosis, the leading cause of many diseases.

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