Natural drinks for the treatment of anemia effectively … Masrawy


12:21 pm

Friday, December 21, 2018


Anemia is a deficiency of a particular element of the body. The most common types of anemia are the lack of iron in the body, resulting in a decrease in the proportion of naturally occurring hemoglobin, resulting in some side effects such as fatigue, fatigue and inability to exercise in a professional and cumbersome manner.

It is a group of drinks that contain large amounts of multivitamins and multivitamins, nutrients and values ​​such as calcium, iron and magnesium, which increase the rate of Hemoglobin in the blood, according to Webteb.

– Celery juice
Celery is a type of vegetable that contains a large amount of vitamins, the most important being vitamin B and a good proportion of calcium and iron. It is advisable to mix apples with it to increase the iron content.

How does the drink
A packet of celery, apple and a glass of water.Put all the ingredients in the blender and beat them for at least two minutes.You can add white honey to the mix as you please.
It is worth mentioning that the use of celery seeds in the treatment of diseases of the chest and eliminate sputum and reduce coughs and coughs and participate in the treatment of influenza and colds.

– cocktails
It is a drink composed of fresh fruits that contain large amounts of vitamins, calcium, iron and nutritional values ​​that ensure the treatment of anemia in a short period of time.
This cocktail includes bananas, apricots, pomegranates and grapes.

The banana contains large amounts of potassium, which increases the strength of the heart, improves its performance in the blood pump and contains a large amount of iron that increases hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Apricots contain a high proportion of calcium, which helps to solve the problem of anemia.
Pomegranate contains high levels of antioxidants that help prevent infections and serious illnesses in cases of anemia, as they reduce the effectiveness of the immune system and contain important nutritional values ​​for the body. ;anemia.
How to make this wonderful cocktail is to place the cut fruit with a little water and white honey for desalination and mix with an electric mixer and drink two cups of juice a day.

– Tomatoes
Put two tomatoes in the blender and add a tablespoon of sweet sugar. Mix the ingredients until they overlap, squeeze the tomatoes well, then strain the juice and drink.

– dates
Dip half a cup of dates in a cup and a half of hot water for a whole night. The next day, the dates are dusted with an electric mixer and the mixture is filtered.

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